Pet Remedies is a wiki for Australian pet owners.
Pet Remedies is curated by the team at The Animal Pharmacy. It provides a lisiting of all registered veterinary medicines in Australia, and it gives anyone the opportunity to post their experience relating to a pet product or animal condition. It is intended to be agnostic of any manufacturer or supplier of pet products. Our vision is for it to become a repository of honest feedback for all the animal products that are available on the Australian market.
Opinions are our own, however we aim to provide content that is backed by evidence and is aligned with the registered claims by the APVMA.
This site relies on content from animal owners. To give an unbiased account of these products, we allow comments that are both positive and negative. Please keep in mind that these comments may not be written by veterinarians, and we would always refer you to a veterinarian for expert advice on any animal medication.